Saturday, September 6, 2014

Isaac's Baptism

Isaac was baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints on September 6th, 2014. He was so excited for this day and so happy when it finally came. 
 Somehow my pictures from that day got deleted off of my camera - I was one sad momma. My Dad had a few pictures that I got from the actual baptism day and these pictures of him in his jumpsuit are ones I took a few days after. Isaac is one amazing boy and has a strong testimony of the gospel. I am so proud of him. 

 I took these on a Sunday morning before church so Anna and Jackson were in their church clothes. 

 This one is a little blurry but too cute to not put in. 
 Such good kids. 
I asked Jackson to take a picture of me and Isaac and he cut off my head. I'm snapping my fingers at him saying…"point it up higher!"

 My Dads pictures from his baptism day. 
 Isaac and his Daddy. 
 Elise and Allie. 
Anna and Randy. 
 A shot of everyone there. 
I wish I wouldn't have lost the pictures of Isaac and Corey. Uncle Corey baptized him and Grandpa Jack confirmed him. It was a great day and we could feel the spirit so strong. 

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