Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Anna's First Day of Preschool

Anna finally started her preschool. It was canceled last week because of the flooding so today was her first day. She has been so excited. 

 She finally got to wear her backpack somewhere like the boys do. 
 As we got closer and closer she got more and more nervous though. 
 She decided she wasn't quite sure if she wanted to go or not. 
 I had her go out on the playground real quick and take a few pictures. 
 That perked her up a little bit. 
 Inside it was fun to see the decorations and all the toys they have. 
 Once it was time to sit down and do some work though she decided she definitely didn't want to do preschool any more. 
 Jackson and I did our best to convince her that she was going to have a good time. 
 Finally we got her to sit down and start writing her name. 
 When I went to leave she grabbed on to my shirt and wouldn't let go! I finally tore free and left - I knew she would be just fine once I was gone. 
 Sure enough when I got back she was doing great. 

She ended up loving it after all!

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