Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Christmas 2009

Yeah! It's Crhistmas time!

I like to look at the Christmas tree at night after everyone has gone to bed. This is my last look Christmas eve.

The fun begins!  The boys woke up at their usual time, about 6:20 and we were so excited to start opening.  Everyone was wondering what the big box I got Daddy was.

The boys got a xylophone to share.

Aunt Karissa and Uncle Chris gave Isaac a drum that Aunt Karissa made and Isaac loves it!

Jackson got some fun toys too.

This is how lovely I look Christmas morning. Jackson really likes the new drum too. 

Then the best present of all - a Backhoe!! 

Daddy got Isaac a kitchen set - it took them about 4 hours to put it together, so I think he regrets that one.

Once the backhoe was opened nothing else mattered.

Finally Daddy got to open his preset very last.  But it was worth it, he got a big tool box.

After opening presents we went over to Dustin and Laurens for a delicious breakfast.  We had a great Christmas.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Putin' Up the Tree

This year we went with Josh, Wendy and their kids up to Utah Hill to cut down our Christmas trees. Unfortunately it didn't cross my mind to grab my camera before we started hiking - I guess it's just not what I think about.

Isaac and I trying to untangle the mess of lights.

Isaac also decorated a plant with lights and ornaments. It was very exciting.

After I tested the lights and put them up they decided not to work (of course) so Brian, even though he was very sick, went to work on checking every light bulb and fixed them.  Jackson always has to be at his feet.

The way we entertain Jackson - and we wonder why he is so chubby.

Isaac giving instruction on proper ornament placement.

He was very into the ball ornaments and continues to arrange and rearrange them.
Jackson just loved the sparkly lights.

Merry Christmas to all - and to all a good night!

Blue Eyed Happy Boy

Jackson just loves to smile.

He loves to jump and go crazy in his jumparoo

He loves that he can eat messy little finger foods by himself now.
Him and his chair had to go in the bathtub.

This looks like a face his Daddy would make.

What Isaac loves to do

Isaac loves to play in his room.  He loves to play store, and play on his bunk beds.

He loves to take care of his brother.  Actually now it's turning into he loves to wrestle his brother - he's getting a little impatient and just wants him to be big enough to play now.

He likes to give Jackson horsey rides.

...and shoulder rides.

Vetrans Day Parade

Kristi try to get Corey to try some candy. (or something)

Too much fun for this little boy.


A while back we went to the Airshow on Nellis Air force Base. We waited in a huge long line for about 2 hours. Then you load up on busses and they haul you over to the base. This is us on the bus.
Josh, Wendy and their kids went too. This is coming off a huge air plane that we walked through.  Brian used to ride on them when he was in the Marine Corps.

This is inside of the airplane.

Isaac waited in line for a very long time to sit on this helicopter.

Family Hike

We all went for  an awesome hike during our Cannonville weekend.  My Dad always know the neatest places to take us where ever we are.  I'm sure when we go to Texas he will have so much to show us there.

Now that is some faith in Grandpa.

Elise jumping through the air to Grandpa.

The hike was through a narrow canyon and the kids loved climbing around on the rocks.

Action shot of Caleb

It was a long and not that easy hike but all the kids hiked it themselves.  The ones that can walk anyway.

Brian stayed back with Grandpa Bill and picked us up at the end.  We all piled in the back of the truck to drive back up to the vehicles.

Then we drove over to Grovsners  Arch.  The Sky is always such a deep blue in Bryce Valley area.

Oops, that picture is supposed to go with the Halloween ones. O well.  I can't leave that one out!  I don't know if he was a very happy Jack o' Lantern.


I have been doing horrible at updating my blog and I wanted to do so good while my Mom and Dad are on their mission so they can see whats going on - so I am going to do better. A bunch of these I am just catching up on and lots are so the Oregon family can see what been going on too.
We had our Halloween in Cannonville, UT. It was our last big family party before my parents left on their mission. I made pumpkin costumes for Jackson, James, Emma and a surprise one for my Dad.

I don't know if we ever got a picture of all the pumpkins together at the same time, but here is Dad, James and Jackson.  My Dad was a great sport about wearing his pumpkin costume. It was hilarious. 

Isaac was a pirate.  They kids loved riding the 4-wheelers and rhinos while we were up there even though it was so cold.

We also did our annual pinata.  This is Isaac taking a whack at it.