Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Jackson and His Violin

 In the mornings I like to practice the piano. Almost everytime Jackson will go get his violin and say he wants to practice. I just love it.  Right here he is doing such a great rest position - and he just does it! I think its from watching me teach my students.
 I play twinkle twinkle on the piano and he plays along. Just random notes of course but I'm not ready to MAKE him do anything (and make him hate it) so he just plays.
 Look at Anna in the background. She is a breakfast mess.
For some reason the flash didn't go off for this picture and it's too bad because he does such a great bow. Sometimes he actually falls over on his head but usually he does it just right. Of course he always get a piece of candy afterwards and I'm sure that's huge motivating factor for him.

Fishin' at the 1st Railroad Bridge

My Mom and Dad kept Anna so I could just take the boys fishin. It was a beautiful day and Anna sure had fun with Grandma and Grandpa.

Oh What Do You Do In The (almost) Summertime?

 For Easter our neighbor lady Ms. Huerta gave Isaac and Jackson a fun water toy that you hook up to your hose and the other day we tried it out.
 They had a great time playing in the water.
 Jackson is too funny.

 This is what little Anna did while they played.
 Then they were all hungry and we had some lunch.  I don't remember what word I was saying but every time I said it they would all start cracking up which was cracking me up and I had to take a picture of them laughing so hard.

Fishin' at the River

 We like to go fishin down at the river.
 We don't always catch fish, but we always have fun. This time we almost caught a snapping turtle but he broke our line.
 I think Anna will be happier when she can fish and play in the river too.
 But she's still smiling.

 Of course we always have to sit on a rock and have snacks.

Getting So Big

 My little girl is getting big, she is 10 months now but still a little angel.
 Jackson just turned 2 and is always making us laugh.
 My Isaac is 4 and is always coming up with fun things to do. Here wanted me to take pictures of him making funny faces inside his box.
 Then he wanted to try and take pictures of himself making funny faces. Funny boy.
 They are LOVING having their Grandma and Grandpa back from their mission.  They want to see them everyday.
 I love it when Anna does this huge smile.
She loves to stand up.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Homecoming Party

 My parents spoke in church on Easter Day and told experiences from their mission.  They did a wonderful job. Afterwards we all met over for my parents for a yummy luncheon.  We made all the family stay in their church clothes for a little minute as we tried to take some nice picutres.
 I made matching easter dresses for Allie and Elise and matching dresses for Anna and Emma.
 Sweetest girls ever.

 I love it.
 Jackson was not so into the picture taking.

I love my kids.

Friday, May 13, 2011

The Hunt

Later that afternoon we met back at Grandma and Grandpas for the Easter egg hunt.
Grandpa Whitney and Aunt Susan

Lauren, baby Luke and Grandma Whitney

 Emily and Dillon
 This is what Dad always looks like - taking pictures.
Any eggs in here?

 Jackson trying to eat eggs again. Marky thinks he's crazy.

Grandma had extra easter treats after the hunt too. What a fun Grandma.