Monday, October 18, 2010


Last weekend a bunch of us went up Meadow Valley Wash for a picnic.  It was a beautiful day and fun to go out in the hills.

Do I look a little mad here?

Well I should because a bird just pooped on my babies head!!!  Can you see it?!


The kids had a great time building a house out of an old water tank that had fallen over.

They even found an old bed to put in it.


Miss Allie
 Estefan workin' hard.

 Dustin gathering sticks for our hot dog roast.

We were surrounded by many cow pies and Jackson wanted it off his hand.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Too Tired

This is what happens when we have a movie party - everyone falls asleep but Momma.

Tired Little Buddy

You can see where Jackson has been putting purple marker up his nose.  It's also in his ears and everywhere else.

Good Brother

But sometimes it's hard when you're trying to watch T.V.


She can sit in the bumbo for a while now till her neck gets tired and her head falls over.


Anna & Dillon

Anna, Dillon, Isaac and Emily.