Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Roller Skating

There is a new little roller skating rink in Mesquite and we decided to try it out.
My Cousin Emily, her Husband Bryce and their baby Dillon came with us.
Brian was all excited.  He used to DJ at a roller skating rink in Oregon growing up.  I asked him if he  did the chicken dance and the hokey pokey and he said, "heck ya!".  Hillarious.
They even had cute little skates for Jackson.
Didn't go too well.
He liked this thing much better.
Isaac didn't love it either, but he did love pushing Daddy, while Daddy held Jackson.
They even let you push your strollers around.  The babies love that.
These pictures are horrible because it was so dark in there but that is Brian holding Anna and Isaac running along.
Thankfully Brian didn't fall holding Anna.  I biffed it hard once but fortunately I wasn't holding anyone.
Fun day.


  1. You and your cousin Emily Adams are two beautiful young ladies!

  2. Look how freaking skinny you are already! That looks like fun. I can totally see Brian doing the chicken dance in roller skates.

  3. OH MY GOSH JILL YOU LOOK SO SKINNY! I have to go throw up now.
