Thursday, August 19, 2010

Blessing Day

 Brian blessed Anna on August 15th, 2010 at the Hinckley Chapel in Logandale.  Kathy Dalley was so very kind and made Anna her blessing dress. It was so beautiful.                                       
Anna's Grandma Gaye is on a mission in Texas, so she sent her this pretty bracelet to wear on her blessing day.

Dustin and Lauren came over that morning and took some pictures for us - it was very nice of them.
Believe it or not this is the best family picture we got. Typical of all blessing day mornings for us.  Oh well, now we'll remember what it was really like.


  1. Jill, your family is absolutely gorgeous! And Anna is so beautiful. What a lucky girl you are!

  2. We were happy to take them for you! Anna is a beauty. :)
