Monday, December 7, 2009

Putin' Up the Tree

This year we went with Josh, Wendy and their kids up to Utah Hill to cut down our Christmas trees. Unfortunately it didn't cross my mind to grab my camera before we started hiking - I guess it's just not what I think about.

Isaac and I trying to untangle the mess of lights.

Isaac also decorated a plant with lights and ornaments. It was very exciting.

After I tested the lights and put them up they decided not to work (of course) so Brian, even though he was very sick, went to work on checking every light bulb and fixed them.  Jackson always has to be at his feet.

The way we entertain Jackson - and we wonder why he is so chubby.

Isaac giving instruction on proper ornament placement.

He was very into the ball ornaments and continues to arrange and rearrange them.
Jackson just loved the sparkly lights.

Merry Christmas to all - and to all a good night!


  1. Great tree! We need to come check it out. :)

  2. I just barely saw all of your cute pictures. Thanks for sharing! I'll have to look here more often.
