Monday, October 26, 2009

I Give Up!

It is almost impossible if not completely impossible  (i haven't decided yet) to get a good family picture when you have a wacky husband like this and a 3 year old who decided to be grouchy that day.

I actually had no idea that Brian was making silly faces in any of the pictures - I should have guessed.

Jackson was the only one who smiled in all the pictures.  What a happy baby.


  1. That is funny. Last year when I took the boys pics for Christmas cards I told Ty and Jesse it was their job to smile at the camera, nothing else, while I tried to get Tracen to smile. I ended up with a blog post on that one too. Good luck, I don't think you're going to get him to change much :)

  2. Brian's such a tard. He's fun though... So I guess you can keep him around :P

  3. gotta love it! i saw these on Lauren's and just laughed! cute family though:)

  4. look at baby jackson! he is so cute and his hair is so long! of course you are all adorable. i miss you! can we get together soon?

  5. I love your pictures! When are we going to ever see each again?? Your baby is adorable

  6. Start with Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins FIRST!

    And, thanks! Blogging is fun!
