Saturday, April 7, 2012

Spring Break Fun

This week was Sping Break and so we had no preschool and no lessons to teach. My Mom and I decided to take the kids to Zions. We stopped at a park in St. George and had a picnic on the way.

 Once we got to Zions it was truly a miracle that we found a parking spot. Jackson was asleep so we were going to go drive through the tunnel before getting on the bus. We circled through the visitor center parking lot first and just happend to come upon someone pulling out. We got lucky!
 Waiting for the bus.

 The kids loved riding on the bus and looking out the windows at the pretty rocks. Anna and Jackson love to sing, The Wheels on the Bus go Round and Round.

 We went to the last stop in the canyon. Temple of Sinawava. I hadn't been there for probably 13 years. It was so beautiful and a perfect day.
The water was so beautiful.

Isaac loved hiking up the big rocks.
Anna and Jackson loved climing on the smaller rocks.
 This little guy was fearless. First of all I am standing right next to him taking his picutre.
Then I am yelling at him to get out of my backpack.
 He's tugging and pulling at the veggie straws.
Once he started biting through the bag I pushed him with my hand and he still didn't back off. Then Jackson came over and said, "I'll get him for you Mom and he scared him off".
 Hiking back. Grandma and Anna are up ahead and Jackson is in my backpack. Grandma said Anna ran the whole way saying, "Bus! Bus!".  Her little legs probably ran 3/4 of a mile.
Back on the bus headed home.


  1. Wow, what a great time and great photo's of the family! Thanks

  2. Isn't Zions so beautiful? I love it up there, we're so lucky we live so close.
