Sunday, January 17, 2010


Friday morning we went to our favorite place, Tuweep.  We invited the Bradshaw family to go with us they had never been there before.  It has been a couple years since Brian and I have gone out there, so we were very excited to go.
Jackson's first trip to Tuweep. This is Brian and Jackson inside the Bundy Schoolhouse.

I'm sure this is a sign of whats to come but the little boys didn't care about the schoolhouse - just the swings out back.

WEeeee!  It was a beautiful sunshiny day.

This is Isaac and his friend Mateo discussing who's dad has the better truck.

Jackson loves Kylie and Melaina.

The moment we started up the narrow steep road up Mount Trumble the roads started to look like this.  We have had many crazy adventures going out to Tuweep and they are at the very top of my list for fun trips.  My very favorite being the one where it was raining and all the roads were flooded and washed out so I would wade across each wash to see if it was too deep for the trucks to get across.  Once you are out there you are committed and there is no cell phone service if you need help.  That is why I have always loved it so much.  Of course now that I have kids that changes things a little. It is a different story if I get my baby stranded out in the middle of nowhere and don't have enough food and water or blankets to make it very long.  I guess being a Mom turns you into a wuss.  Anyway when we started sliding around on the ice within the first mile of the mountain I told Brian I am not to prideful to turn around for the sake of my kids!  Of course we didn't turn around and I have a lot more respect for our Dodge truck now. It did great and we made it over the mountain safe. 

That is some slick mud and quite deep in places. Our trucks are covered in mud - they look awesome.

Of course the boys were so excited to see snow and we had to let them out to play in it for a minute.

It was actually easier up on top where the ground was still frozen and we didn't have to drive through so much mud.

Finally we made it and it is always worth the 4 hour drive on dirt roads and what ever elements you may encounter.  The view is like none other. It is the deepest narrowest part of the Grand Canyon.

I'm sure I wont be out there again for quite a while.  It is not a fun trip to make when you are big and pregnant or with an infant so i'm glad we decided to go now.

Melaina and I looking off.

We layed our jean quilt out for Jackson to crawl around on.  He loves to be outside.
Happy Boys.

We all ended up playing on the blanket and we had a yummy picnic.


Brian was reminding me a bit of Grandpa Bill when Isaac was climbing around on the rocks - it was making him a bit nervous. But Isaac was having a great time and is a good hiker.

We hiked and hiked on the rocks.

This is my favorite place to sit and ponder.
A great day had by all.

I have to include the picture of Isaac hammering all the nails in by himself on the bookshelf we bought on the way home from our Tuweep trip.  He's so big.


  1. It is so beautiful and it looks like you guys had a great time! Thanks again for last night...I really needed to get out with my friends!

  2. Hello Greig family in the US of have a great name...he he .

    this is from Paul Greig....Australia.

    Kind regards.
