Monday, October 10, 2011

(I copied this post from my sister-in-law's post)
Saturday evening we went a pumpkin pickin'!!

We had quite the truck full!

The Dalley's and The Greig's joined us for the fun.

Someone was trying to smuggle extra pumpkins out of the patch.. I'll let you guess who. ;)

Baby Dalley should be coming any day now!

I made all the Nelson grandkids sit together for a picture. Pretty successful!

Then the kids wrestled, swung on the swing set,


played and swung some more!

The kids kept asking who's birthday it was.
But sometimes you just have to get together for fun, right?!

A Nelson party isn't complete without Dustin making this face..

and being silly with the boys!

Then we concluded the night by watching Its the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown.

With the pumpkins picked, its officially Fall and the start of the holiday season!! YAY!

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