Sunday, January 17, 2010


Isaac and I have gone fishing a few times when the weather has been so nice and warm.
I know sometime soon he will relize that his mom is a horiible fisherwoman - we never catch any fish.  I should just go back to how we used to catch fish all the time when we were younger - with a bucket or our hands. 

We went up to the reservoir because I knew there was hardly any water and the fish would all be stuck in one spot.  It smelled like Mexico (dead fish) and they were definitely  all in one spot, stuck in the mud.  I think they were too stuck and all just on the verge of death - they didn't care about the bait I was putting right in front of their noses.
We had lots of fun trying anyway and then we went up to the river and tried to catch some fish there. (with no luck of course)
Brian said soon they will start pumping water into the reservoir from Coyote Springs and then there with be fresh water circulating through year round.  That will be kinda neat.

1 comment:

  1. The weather has been great for being outside! We have been bikers this week. Hans learned with no training wheels even. He has a very proud papa.
