The Jensen's the Nelson's and Me and my kids went out camping last weekend. We got there Friday morning and stayed till Saturday evening. My camera battery died Friday afternoon so I only got pictures of the first bit. Maybe it's a good thing they died or I would have had a ton of picutres! It was just so beautiful out there and the weather was perfect. Josh showed us a lot of neat places that I hadn't seen before on Bunkerville Mountain. Dustin and Lauren didn't get there till Friday evening so i didn't get any picutres with them - but we sure had fun!
Unloading and setting up camp.
We took 3 rhino's and a wheeler.
Anna had to have her baby and boo. My funny girl. My cars maiden voyage on dirt roads. I hope she's tough because it wont be her last.
Josh trying out Estefans wheeler.
The little boys loved it.
Jackson loved the trailer.
The girls.
Jackson my monkey boy.
Me and my kids slept in the tent. We love it.
Josh and Wendy's jumpin jack trailer. I wish I had a picutre of Dustin and Lauren's trailer.
This was a cool mine that goes back for miles but the floor of it is covered with water. Dustin almost brought his canoe so we could paddle through but didn't. Maybe on the next trip.
There was still snow on the hillsides. The kids loved playing in it and eating it.
Anna and I thinking about moving in.
My little man.
Quite the hikin' boys.
We were loading firewood in the rhino's for the evening dutch oven dinner and Josh thought he would try to cut the big branches with his pistol.
Maybe the rifle.
Jackson and Ty
Jackson and Sugar - the Jensens dog.
Wendy is such a great friend.
Such beautiful views.
There are so many springs all over Bunkerville Mountian. I wish I had some pictures of the awesome waterfall Josh took us too. Maybe I will get the pictures from Dustin and Lauren.
Me, Anna, Tag, Jackson and Tenley.
I love the Rhino's and Peaks in this picture. Wendy might not be happy about it.
Sifting for gold.
Then the battery died.