Saturday, July 31, 2010

5 Weeks Already!

Our baby Anna is already 5 weeks old - I just can't believe it!
My parents sent this adorable little cowgirl outfit from Texas - how fun.

Binky Baby

I think these binkys look so funny.


My cousin Emily came over and she and I went down to the store and left the babies with Brian - this is what they looked like when we got back.  Dillan is 5 weeks older than Anna.

Maopa Splash Pad

Can you name all the kids?  Me, Kristi and Wendy went to the splash pad and the kids had tons of fun.

Isaac & Elise


The big boys:  Will and Caleb

 Will and Emma Lynn

Good Helper

Isaac very often holds Anna for me when I have things to do, sometimes she cries and cries. This time when I realized all was quiet I went and checked and Isaac said, "look Mom she is sucking on my cheek!".  Sure enough, she was using his cheek as a binky and fell right to sleep.  Whatever works I guess!

Getting Ready For Church

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Family of Five

Cooling Off

Shorts Head

Silly picture of Jackson with shorts on his head.  Isaac is dancing in the background.

Baby Girls

My friend Wendy had her baby girl a week and half after I had mine.  We went over and took pictures of them together the other day.
Tenley and Anna. 

Anna's Bath

Isaac & Anna

Mommy & Baby

Grandma & Anna Isabel


Penny and Norm got some good pictures of Jackson while they were here.


Isaac got to help Grandpa grate cheese.  
Such good boys.

Isaac Swimming

Penny and Norm took Isaac swimming at Aunt Kristi's pool - he loves to swim there.
It makes him very tired.

Grandpa's Pal

Jackson just loved his Grandpa Norm.  He would follow him around and say gupa.  I think it took a little while for Norm to warm up but Jackson won him over.  Look how happy he is in that picture!
He wouldn't even go to Daddy, he said "NO".
They read books....
..ate pudding..
 ..hung out..
What could be better than that!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Brians 31st Birthday!

July 7th was Brians 31st Birthday.  Isaac wrapped all of his presents all by himself.
Opening presents.